City/State Phone Numbers

Police - Emergency (Police, Fire, Ambulance)911
Police - Non-Emergency231-1212
Drug, Gang, Homicide Hotline241-COPS
        Central Patrol Division444-0100
St. Louis Regional Crimestoppers866-371-8477
The City's Finest458-9297

A.L.I.V.E. Hotline - Physical Abuse993-2777
Assessor's Office622-4050
Board of Alderman

Ald. Jack Coatar (7th Ward)

Ald. Kenneth Ortmann (9th Ward)


Building Department & Bldg. Inspection622-4671
Business Assistance Center622-4120
Child Abuse Hotline, MO Children's Division800-392-3738
Circuit Attorney, Jennifer Joyce

Victim Services

Orders of Protection


Citizen's Service Bureau622-4800
Collector of Revenue622-4111
Crime Victim Advocacy - Center of St. Louis652-3623
Cultural Resources Office622-3400
Derelict Cars (streets & alleys)444-0185
Derelict Cars (private property)Call NSO
Elder Abuse Hotline800-392-0210
Graffiti Removal622-4800
Homeless Hotline802-5444
Illegal Dumping622-4800
License Collector622-4528
Light Problems - Alley (Ameren UE)342-1000
Light Problems - Street622-4800
Light Problems - Street (after hours)647-3111 ex. 0
Mardi Gras, Inc.771-5110
Mayor's Office (Mayor Francis G. Slay)622-3201
Neighborhood Stabilization Team

7th Ward NSO - Sandy Colvin

9th Ward NSO - Dena Hibbard


Operation Brightside772-4646
Parks, Recreation & Forestry289-5300
Planning & Urban Design Agency622-3400
Poison Control Center772-5200
Problem Properties444-0185
Recycling Information353-8877
Sexual Assault Center726-6665
Soulard Business Assn - Hotline773-6767
Soulard Market622-4180
Soulard Restoration Group - Hotline621-6226
St. Louis Area Agency on Aging612-5918
St. Louis Crisis Nursery292-5770
St. Louis Dept of Human Services612-5900
St. Louis Development Corporation622-3400
Trash & Dumpster Problems622-4800
Women's Safe House772-4535