Approved by voters in 1994 as a “Special Taxing District”:
- Primary purpose is to provide enhanced security for the District
- Includes private security patrols (off-duty police officers), security products to residents (e.g., car clubs, energy-efficient lightbulbs, etc.), crime/safety education and other safety-related services to residents living within the boundaries of the District
Funded 100% by property taxes:
- Not a CID or TIF (which are funded by sales tax revenue)
- Revenue received by City of St. Louis in Feb/Mar following the close of each tax year (12/31)
- Initial tax rate set at $0.30 per $100 assessed value. Increased to $0.49 in 2007 and currently set at $0.5470 for 2015
- Maximum tax rate allowable by law is $0.85
- Tax rate increases are the decision of the Board … does not require a vote by taxpayers
Tax district boundaries are within the 7th Ward only … generally bounded by:
- North – Welsh Baby Carriage (Carroll St)
- South – Sidney St
- East – Mississippi River
- West – I-55
Board composition is comprised of 7 person board that is responsible for managing the business and financial activities of the taxing district:
- Appointed by the Major
- Each board member serving a 4 year term
- Requires personal property owners, renters and business owners