The Soulard Special Business District (SSBD) was formed by St. Louis City Ordinance 63154, pursuant to Sections 71.790 through 71.808, RSMo. Pursuant to Section 71.800, RSMo., Special Business Districts “may impose a tax upon the owners of real property within the district which shall not exceed eighty-five cents on the one-hundred-dollar assessed valuation.
Subsequent to its formation, the Soulard Special Business District has submitted various tax rates to voters within the District pursuant to the following ordinances:
- Ordinance 63154 – Original ordinance
- Ordinance 63165 – Tax of $0.30 per $100 valuation for tax years 1994-1998
- Ordinance 64314 – Tax of $0.35 per $100 valuation for tax years 1999-2003
- Ordinance 65773 – Maximum tax of $0.85 per $100 valuation for tax years 2003 and thereafter. Increases in tax do not require voter approval.